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Community Rehab Clinic

Understanding Community Rehab:

Rights of persons with Disability act has recognized 21 broad categories of disorders as Disabilities. Major obstacles are created for the afflicted individuals and their families by disabling conditions. The majority of these disorders call for longterm treatments, which are offered in rehabilitation centres and medical rehabilitation institutions in metropolitan regions. Long-term care is expensive at the institutions. Hence, Community rehab clinic of Margdarsi was established with focuses on providing support services to adults and children's for rehabilitation at their doorstep. The community rehab clinic strives to improve the lives of disabled individuals (PWDs) and their families by providing for their fundamental needs.

Causes of Disability

  •  Rapid modernization: are causes for Hearing impairment.

  •  Road/Industrial accidents: Amputated limbs, quadriplegia, paraplegia, brain damage and behavioral disorders are among the disabilities following road traffic accidents.

  •  Population aging :- Blindness, hearing impairment, musculoskeletal diseases and mental disorders.

  •  The following conditions can lead to speech and hearing impairments: ear, nose, and throat infections; accidents; use of hearing-impairing medications like aspirin and streptomycin; infections like rubella in pregnant women; senility; use of harmful medications during pregnancy; and exposure to excessive noise in industrial settings.

  •  Psychological factors, such as parental neglect, child abuse, etc.

  •  Prenatal causes of mental retardation include malnutrition, genetic disorders, viral infections, drug and alcohol use, and accidents.

  •  Disabilities affecting locomotion: poliomyelitis, accidents, injuries, strokes, amputations, leprosy, cerebral palsy, drug use, X-ray exposure, and infections during pregnancy.


Treatment Processes:

  •  At Margdarsi, the experienced and specialized professionals do detailed assessments and diagnose the particular problem of patients in health camps organized at rural areas, community centers.

  •  Margdarsi plans therapist-supervised protocol to help the persons with disabilities to overcome their disabilities.

  •  Family members are sensitized about the disabilities and trained in home based management.

  •  Restoration of the function using orthosis, prosthesis, smart appliances and assistive devices.

  •  Margdarsi provides multimodal therapies to patients under one roof, so that they don't face any kind of inconveniences in their treatment.