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Hearing Conservation Clinic

Understanding Hearing Conservation:

The hearing conservation programme mandates that employers keep track of noise exposure levels in a method that reliably identifies workers who have been subjected to noise at or over 85 decibels (dB) over the course of eight working hours, or an eight-hour time-weighted average (TWA).

Purpose Hearing Conservation

A Hearing Conservation Programme (HCP) is designed to prevent or slow the course of noise-induced hearing loss. A sound level metre (SLM) or a dosimeter is used for this phase of the Hearing Conservation Programme.


Who Needs To Be In Hearing Conservation Program?

A hearing conservation programme is necessary, per the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), "whenever employee noise exposures equal or exceed an 8-hour time-weighted average sound level (TWA) of A dose of 50% is equal to 85 decibels assessed on the A scale (slow response).


Services Provided At Margdarsi

  •  Track the level of noise at your workplace. The programme you receive will depend on how much noise your workplace generates.

  •  Controlled sound.

  •  Make use of hearing protection.

  •  Plan an audiometric evaluation.

  •  Analyse your plan.

  •  Deliver instruction and training.