Neurological Disorder is a group of conditions which primarily affects the nervous system(brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system) by various causes and leads to problem in walking, balances, memory, cognition, problem in doing ADL activity.
Neurological Disorder is a group of conditions which primarily affects the nervous
system(brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system) by various causes and leads to
problem in walking, balances, memory, cognition, problem in doing ADL activity. There are
some factors like stress, diet, smoking, alcohol, lack of sleep and sedentary life style can
trigger the neurological disorder conditions.
The development of many technology in medical field helping to decreased the
fatality rate in stroke, traumatic brain injury, Gullain barre syndrome,
traumatic spinal cord injury etc but creating a big challenge for rehabilitating
them and bring them up to the optimal label of function.